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The Animation Station Webring

Current Index


The concept is simple: make a page that links to your favorite animation(s). No limit to how many, but you should have at least one. The goal is to showcase animations that are important to you, especially those that might be buried in the modern internet's search algorithms and deprioritized by sites like YouTube. These are not meant to be exhaustive lists of all animation on the internet, nor rankings of inherent quality. It is up to you entirely what goes on the page and why.

You may want to have a target era. In my case, mine is the early 2000s-2010s, though quite a few entries are more recent. Some content from that era may be objectionable - as stated earlier, these are not rankings of inherent quality. As reasonable adults, we can understand that these animations don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the webmaster posting them. That being said, what stays on the webring is up to my discretion.

A few housekeeping rules:

How to join

After making your page, submit it for approval through this Google Form. On approval, copy this text where you want the webring div to go.

Include this in <head></head> for styling:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://infini.neocities.org/webring/onionring.css">

On your page it should look like this:

Final note: It goes without saying, but you don't have to be part of the webring to make your own page. I am not the arbiter of animation, and I certainly don't hold the power to say who gets to share what they love and who doesn't. Do it for your own fun!

That's all! Happy hunting!
