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The Animation Station


A grab-bag of notable, well-made, beautiful, crude, terrifying, or otherwise interesting animations on the web. Meant to simulate web-surfing for obscure animations, prioritizes (but is not limited to) independent animation made 5+ years ago.

This list is not meant to be comprehensive. Multiple entries from the same filmmaker may be present, but not every piece by said filmmaker will be listed. That doesn't mean that the entries listed here are better than the rest; it is highly suggested you check them out yourself.

Warning: Some contents may be NSFW (marked with *), and/or contain disturbing or mature themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Can't decide on a video? Click the button to roll a random one!

Current number of entries: .

Click the headers to sort the table (A to Z, Z to A).

Name Author
Descendants Heiko van der Scherm, Bernhard Haux, Goro Fujita, Felix Graf, Holger Schönberger
The Cat With Hands Robert Morgan
Out of Sight Ya-Ting Yu
The Pier Jason Bennett
Zero - Part 1 Zealous Creative
Roadkill Redemption Karl Hadrika
Best Friend GOBELINS
Operator Sam Barnett
Luis Niles Atallah, Cristobal Leon & Joaquin Cociña
Tic Toc Guldies
Euphoria Guldies
Luisa Niles Atallah, Cristobal Leon & Joaquin Cociña
ode to the reaper Studio Paris Green
Bad Apple!! Anira
Cock Fight Steven Ly
close to the sun map // part 13 Donnyclaws
Gossamer pollovy
Firestar Doesn't Like Waffles Aquamarinflower
KILLED BY ANGEL Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra
Soggy Boys Club memedokis, kitsarting, meech_tea
Supernatural Encounters Itchy Detergent
Henry Eats Ben Wheele
DJ TECHNORCH / Mumyo Gaoka Kiken Chitai -ATARAXIA- (flashing) Deino
A room alone (flashing) hanamushi
Strings Wendy Tilby
When The Day Breaks Amanda Forbis, Wendy Tilby
Prologue Richard Williams
MitchiriNeko March frencel
Jenny - Studio Killers Studio Killers
Ghosst(s) - Lorn CRCR, Sonlan Tran
There's A Man In The Woods Jacob Streilein
Red Hyunjoo Song
UMBRA Malcolm Sutherland
Anime Munters [ORIGINAL] by go devil dante DantezMediaChannel
Stamp On The Ground (New Music Video) ssjdennis16
Baa cyriak
My Little Goat* Tomoki Misato
Vegeversary Sarah Mae Schmidt
Wolf in sheep's clothing Yea An
Old Friend- Mitski SusanneDraws
After Us ToastyGlow
You Monster enquaynay
DONKS Felix Colgrave
The Elephant's Garden Felix Colgrave
DOUBLE KING Felix Colgrave
7 billion cyriak
Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure Richard Williams
The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Cut Richard Williams
Banjo Gyro Grady Sain
Shinbone Alley John David Wilson
The Cat Piano Eddie White, Ari Gibson, The People's Republic of Animation
Story From North America (arachnophobia warning) Garrett Davis, Kirsten Lepore
2 in the AM PM JG Quintel
Welcome To Hell Erica Wester
Hi Stranger Kirsten Lepore
Grinch's ultimatum PilotRedSun
SHOP: A Pop Opera Jack Stauber
Jack Stauber's OPAL Jack Stauber
ME!ME!ME!* Teddyloid, daoko, Studio Khara
Girl* Teddyloid, daoko, Studio Khara
PUPARIA Shingo Tamagawa
The Last Belle Neil Boyle
Twins in Paradise Vewn
Salad Fingers David Firth
Eyes on the Stars The Rauch Brothers, StoryCorps
Singles Rebecca Sugar
Mope Mope Opite Animation
Sugoi Quest For Kokoro death420, miraculousTang
ghost choir Louie Zong
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls SoapOpera46
1001 Nights (flash warning) Yoshitaka Amano
cat city Vewn
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys David Wilson, Sean Buckelew,Tom Bunker, Jonathan Harris, Frankie Swan, Linda Kalcov, Nicos Livesey, Ying-­Ping Mak, Blanca Martinez de Rituerto, Joe Sparrow
The Monster Drawing REDRUM
Second Wind Ian Worrel
Betty Boop: Snow White (1933) Fleischer Studios
THREE LITTLE CATS Benoît Delaunay, Albane Hertault Lacoste, Maïwenn Le Borgne, Alexia Provoost
Who's Hungry? storkeater
Shelter Porter Robinson
I'M SICK! lewvvk
chinchilla (amv) Kelly Ficarra
burrito.. Kelly Ficarra
Pinched Titmouse, David Vantervoort
Please Say Something David O'Reilly
Coda and maps and plans
Alma Rodrigo Blaas
The Maker Zealous Creative
The Kid and the Camera GrumbledIkEntertainment
Follow the Sun MK12
BECKY PRIM Karl Hadrika
It's Oppo Tyler Chen
Diamond Jack Rachel Kim
In Between GOBELINS, Sophie Ma, Alice Bissonnet, Juliette Laurent, Sandrine Han
Pleasant Inn David Romero
Moving Parts Hugo Docking
REJECTED Don Hertzfeldt
Lesley the Pony Has An A+ Day! (flash warning) Christian Larrave
The Music Scene Anthony F. Schepperd
Lullaby For a Princess WarpOut
Animator vs. Animation (Original) Alan Becker
Feeding Time - Creature Comforts S1 (Full Episode) Aardman Studios
3 Dog Band Paul Rudish
Butter Lover Kinga
Me & Mr. Wolf - The Real Tuesday Weld Monkey Frog Media
Omelette Madeline Sharafian
I'm a monster Headless Productions
⚠ Suki Suki Daisuki♡ VIVINOS
Shoot Him Down! - Alice Francis Caravan Productions
⚠ My September [horror warning] VIVINOS
She Wants Me Dead - CAZZETTE CAZZETTE, AronChupa
Bird and Fish Ann Mendenhall, Stephanie Son
DyE - Fantasy* Excuse My French / PH & Tigersushi
The Backwater Gospel The Animation Workshop, Bo Mathorne
Alarm Moo-hyun Jang
DDWIWDD (Dan Deacon "When I Was Done Dying") | Off The Air | Adult Swim Jake Fried, Chad VanGaalen, Dimitri Stankowicz, Colin White, Taras Hrabowsky, Anthony Schepperd, Masanobu Hiraoka, Caleb Wood, KOKOFREAKBEAN
Tsumiki no le (The House of Small Cubes) Kunio Katō
This Actually Happens A Lot Tom Law
Wire Worthikids
Life of Bath* Joanna Quinn
Affairs of the Art* Joanna Quinn
UGO - Dead Pirates mcbess
She's a Big Boy - Mcbaise mcbess
Thought of You Ryan Woodward
The Colors of Evil Phillip Simon
Ah Joris Bacquet, Bastien Dubois, Simon Moreau
Let's Go - Stuck in the Sound Alexis Beaumont, Rémi Godin
Lone Digger - Caravan Palace Jérémie Balais, Jeff le Bars, Double Ninja
Charlie the Unicorn FilmCow
rain town Hiroyasu Ishida
Mr. Carefree Butterfly Yonatan Tal
Dear Rabbit Frumpy Doggie
Stick With Me Slamacow
From the Ground Up Slamacow, Laura Shigihara
Revenge - A Minecraft Parody of Usher's DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love (Music Video) CaptainSparklez
Bodies of Water sournoodles
Happy - Mitski Sagpi
Death Buy Lemonade Kyu-bum Lee
QUAND J'AI REMPLACé CAMILLE Nathan Otaño, Rémy Clarke, Leïla Courtillon
Apocalatte Luke Smith
Laundry day Guillaume Chartier
SWITCH Tyson Hesse
Maddie Kinga
GGBG - Good Girl Bad Girl John Loter
Burger Boss Rachel Kim
Achilles (1995)* Barry Purves
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen HD Version (Swedish Original) Caramell
May Shiori Abe
Silhouette Animation Janne Marete Grødum
Sisyphus Marcell Jankovics
Fast Week Q-rais
Heart Erick Oh
Way back to the sea Kaori Iwase
A Grandma's Goldfish Kaori Iwase
CLICKER Charles Kugler, Grey Colson, Jay McMichen
Redline Pilot Kentarō Yoshida, Yukiko Koike, MADHOUSE
Miss Daizi Pingpig Studio
squishy! Sophia Jooyeon Lee
Obake-chan~ It is there~ itsulaku
2 + 2 = Wolf at the Door (mild flashing) Gastón Viñas
Fumiko's Confession / Fumiko no kokuhaku Hiroyasu Ishida
Doll Face Andrew Huang
Haunt GRZ
Ohayo Satoshi Kon
Spurt Cool 3D World
Face Lift Sleevesmith, JerryPaperREAL
Tir Nan Og Fursy Teyssier
Not so fast PilotRedSun
I can Friday by day! Kazuya Tsurumaki
On Your Mark - Chage & Aska Hayao Miyazaki
Poulette's Chair (Poulette no Isu) Yōjirō Arai, Noitamina, Studio Colorido
20min Walk from Nishi-Ogikubo Station, 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2mos Deposit, No Pets Allowed* Takeshi Honda, Mahiro Maeda
Obake-chan Shigeto Koyama, Tsuyoshi Kusano
Rabbits David Lynch
Nekojiru (Cat Soup) Tatsuo Sato, Nekojiru
Manga (1977) Yoji Kuri
The Sandman Paul Berry
Llamas With Hats FilmCow
Uncanny Alley 01 - The Screening Rodrigo Goulão de Sousa
The Face Shop Noella Borie

Don't see an animation that shaped YOU? Join the Animation Station Webring HERE! Make your own page and share it with the world!

Every person's experience with art is unique - you've probably seen something that I wouldn't find in a million years.

Good luck and happy hunting!

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